Preparing for Lexcel – Version 6 – a practical workshop

Participate in a one day workshop designed to enable you and your practice prepare successfully for assessment against the Lexcel standard.

Run by Peter Warner, Solicitor and an experienced Lexcel Consultant, this workshop will ensure that you can put in place all the necessary procedures to ensure that you meet Lexcel requirements, enhance client care and improve standards of risk management in your practice.

With the hardening of the insurance market each practice is being held accountable for its own claims experience. The winners will be those practices who not only have in place good systems and procedures to control their exposure to operational risk, but can also prove those systems and procedures are working effectively.

In addition Lexcel version 6 is an ideal standard to adopt to address the requirements of the Code of Conduct and Principle 8 on Business Management.

Lexcel provides the ideal framework for practices of all types to be able to demonstrate to their insurers and clients that their working practices are operating to the highest standards.


Course Contents:

Initial awareness and overview of Lexcel scheme

• Comparison with Rule 5 and meeting Code of Conduct requirements

• Management policies and business planning

• Financial management

• People management

• IT and facilities

• Case and file management

• Risk management and supervision

• Preparing for assessment and managing the Lexcel project

• Overcoming resistance to change

• Questions

‘We attach significant weight to firms that practice a solid risk management policy. Those firms who are not Lexcel accredited should give serious consideration to becoming so. Being accredited immediately improves the risk factors. It is our view that those firms not accredited or in the process of obtaining accreditation, will in time have substantially higher premiums to face.’

Mark Casady – QBE International Insurance


(3 or 6 hours CPD)